Student-leader conferences

On Wednesday 10th to Thursday the 11th we all had student leader conferences
I felt very nervous about what going to happen I didn’t know but it felt like
time was going so slow but it actually was going so fast and by the time my slides
was over I felt so re-leafed but it wasn’t over I got given a job I, had to open up
chrome book and set up the whanau/family concern test to see or what we need more
and when I was done I finally got to go home

Group with protractor

Me and my group were learning about angles we had tape spread out randomly on my table

we had to measure all the angles with a protractor it was my first time using a protractor but

i learn fast so it wasn’t difficult i learnt that you have to put the 0 (zero) line And measure

to 360 (Three sixty)

What i found challenging was perfecting my angles and straightening it up

Angles with Protractor

Hello everybody welcome to my blog

We have been learning to measure angles with a protractor.Taurus Protractor 180 degrees 10cm | OfficeMax NZ

-Line  the straight line on a protractor with the line of and angle.

-Measure from the 0 (Zero) to 360 (Three sixty).

-Angles are/can be in multiple degrees and still a couple of angles.

acute - WiktionaryThe Acute angle is 0 to 90 degrees

Right angle - WikipediaThe Right angle can only be 90 degrees

Obtuse angle - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Obtuse is 90 to 180 degrees

Straight Angle – Definition with ExamplesThe Straight angle is 180 degrees

Samoa places of interest

hello every body we have been learning about Samoan language

using google maps to identify independent Samoa and american Samoa

we also had to pin point the capital and the highest mount and one place i would love to visit

please check my place of interest and make a comment d:)